Bynoe’s Gecko

Photo: Matt Clancy

Bynoe’s Gecko

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What do they look like?

Bynoe’s Gecko (Heteronotia binoei) usually sport at least two prominent colours, ranging from black, cream, beige, white and yellow. Some are banded, spotted or blotchy.

Where are they found?

Bynoe’s Geckos are found all over most of Australia, in an amazing variety of patterns and colours, blending in easily to the environment. Despite their scaly appearance, they are soft to touch.

Fast Facts:

  1. The Bynoe’s Gecko moves very quickly, which is bad news for its prey, but also for those of us who want a closer look. Be very gentle and slow when approaching the Bynoe’s Gecko if you don’t want them to take off.
  2. The Bynoe’s Gecko is the only known Australian reptile to be ‘parthenogenetic’. This means that they don’t need males to reproduce: the females produce a genetic clone of themselves. So some populations of Bynoe’s Gecko are made up entirely of females.

Bynoe’s Gecko – the full story

Around February and March, you may find some baby geckos around your place. They could be juvenile Bynoe’s Geckos, just hatched from eggs laid from October to early January.

Bynoe’s Geckos (Heteronotia binoei) are found all over most of Australia, in an amazing variety of patterns and colours, blending in easily to the environment. Despite their scaly appearance, they are soft to touch.

These geckos usually sport at least two prominent colours, ranging from black, cream, beige, white and yellow. Some are banded, spotted or blotchy.

Dusk and evening is the best time to look out for the Bynoe’s Gecko, as they are nocturnal and hunt during the night. You’ll also be able to recognise this gecko from its clawed, bird-like feet.

This gecko’s diet is as varied as their appearance, as it eats a huge range of insects and their larvae. It also eats vegetation, arthropods and even some other lizards.

The Bynoe’s Gecko moves very quickly, which is bad news for its prey, but also for those of us who want a closer look. Be very gentle and slow when approaching the Bynoe’s Gecko if you don’t want them to take off.

The female lays two brittle eggs at most and only once a year. They nest in the ground, covered up by leaves, dirt and other organic matter.

This is quite a long-lived gecko, as it takes between 1-3 years for the young to become sexually mature.

To be a buddy to the Bynoe’s Gecko, leave a shallow dish of water out for them to drink from, but don’t forget to place some stones in the dish so that any geckos or other visitors can easily get out again.

Did you know?

The Bynoe’s Gecko is the only known Australian reptile to be ‘parthenogenetic’, so this makes them fascinating for scientists and biologists. This means that they don’t need males to reproduce: the females produce a genetic clone of themselves. So some populations of Bynoe’s Gecko are made up entirely of females.


Make sure that your garden has plenty of nooks for the gecko to burrow in. They love fallen trees, debris and other natural garden litter to shelter under.

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