Green and Gold Frog

Photo: Tereza T

Green and Gold Frog

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What do they look like?

If you ever spot the distinctive pointed snout, golden iris and olive-brown to bright emerald-green body of a beautiful Green and Gold Frog – consider yourself lucky. There aren’t as many of them around as there were only a decade ago and they are listed as endangered in NSW.

Where are they found?

These frogs mainly live in the north of Tasmania, and in small remnant pockets in the south and east of the state. Green and Gold Frogs also live in south-eastern Australia in Victoria, a small area of South Australia and in the south of New South Wales.

Green and Gold frogs spend most of their time in the water, and stay close to permanent ponds, lagoons, dams and lakes. They sometimes bask in the sunlight, but mainly spend the day sheltering amongst bulrushes and plants at the waters edge.

Fast facts:

  1. The Green and Gold Frog is a fast mover – in 24 hours they can travel up to a kilometre. This is a long distance when you consider they’۪re only 10 cm long.
  2. The best time to hear Green and Gold Frogs is between August and April – when males are making a short grunting ‘crok-crok‘ followed by a growling ‘craw-craw-craw‘.

Green and Gold Frog

If you ever spot the distinctive pointed snout, golden iris and olive-brown to bright emerald-green body of a beautiful Green and Gold Frog – consider yourself lucky. There aren’t as many of them around as there were only a decade ago and they are listed as endangered in NSW.

These frogs mainly live in the north of Tasmania, and in small remnant pockets in the south and east of the state. Green and Gold Frogs also live in south-eastern Australia in Victoria, a small area of South Australia and in the south of New South Wales.

The best time to hear Green and Gold Frogs is between August and April – when males are making a short grunting ‘crok-crok‘ followed by a growling ‘craw-craw-craw‘.

Green and Gold frogs spend most of their time in the water, and stay close to permanent ponds, lagoons, dams and lakes. They sometimes bask in the sunlight, but mainly spend the day sheltering amongst bulrushes and plants at the waters edge.

Once the sun goes down, Green and Gold frogs get ready to feed on beetles, water snails, small frogs, lizards, snakes, fish or other small animals.

Green and Gold Frogs are also known as green and golden bell frog, green and golden swamp frog and green frogs. These are all common names for the same frog species.

You can provide a home for Green and Gold Frogs by placing logs, branches and rocks around ponds for them to sun themselves on or shelter under if the water level drops.

Keep or replant appropriate sedges, reeds and other semi-aquatic plants so that Green and Gold frogs have a safe place to lay their eggs.

Did you know?

 The Green and Gold Frog is a fast mover – in 24 hours they can travel up to a kilometre. This is a long distance when you consider they’۪re only 10 cm long.


Avoid introducing fish such as Goldfish and Gambusia into your pond if you’re trying to attract frogs. These species prey on tadpoles.

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